Boxted Cricket Club News story

Junior Training 2023

10 Apr 2023


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to the new junior cricket season with us at Boxted Cricket Club.

Below are details for all junior cricket this season.


Junior training will start back on Saturday 6th May and will run every Saturday until August.


  • The first session runs from 9:15 until 10:15am and is for Kwik Cricketers (cost £3 per-week).
  • The second session runs from 10:30 until 11:30am and is for Hardball Cricketers (cost £3 per-week).


Please find attached a Junior membership form, that you will need to fill out and bring with you to your first training session.

On arrival at training, please make sure that you sign your child in at the registration table.


  • Our Kwik Cricket team will be playing in Kwik Cricket Festivals in the local area.
  • We also have an U13's hardball team.
  • There is also the opportunity, if you are 13 or older to play some adult cricket with the club's new Saturday Two Counties 2nd XI.


Please would you kindly pay your junior annual subscription (£30) directly into the club's bank account, using your child's name as a reference.

  • Sort code: 60-06-06
  • Account No: 56435681


If you should have any further questions please feel free to contact me on either, or 07941803552.


Finally, I would like to wish you all an enjoyable season with plenty of sunshine.


Kind regards,


Garry Green 

Junior Development Manager

Boxted Cricket Club.