The club provides opportunities for young people between the ages of five and sixteen to receive coaching and participate in competitions. All coaching is by qualified coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.
The club is ECB Clubmark accredited, which is awarded to cricket clubs by the England and Wales Cricket Board when the cricket club is able to demonstrate that it meets the Clubmark criteria across four areas: Duty of Care and Safeguarding Children; the Cricket Program the club offers, Sports Equity and Ethics and Club Management. Clubmark is an acknowledgement that a club takes these issues seriously and that it is striving to provide a high quality and welcoming environment for young participants in cricket.We also recognise the extra vulnerability of our younger members and consequently are very pleased, as a club to fully adopt and endorse the ECB policy “Safe Hands – Welfare of Young People in Cricket.”
We are pleased to be able to offer All Stars (ages 5 to 8), Dynamos Cricket (ages 9 to 12) and Colts hard ball training (ages 12 to 16). All sessions will be run by ECB qualified coaches and appropriately DBS approved assistants.
Coaching sessions will run on Saturday mornings from early May starting at 09.15 for All-Stars, 10.30 for both Dynamos Cricket and Colts hard ball. These sessions will run throughout the summer up to the end of July. There will be a small charge of Colts training £3 per child per session towards our running costs.
Further information can be obtained from Junior Development Manager Garry Green on 01206 271339 or 07941 803552 or by e-mail on
Please note that we shall require parents/legal guardians to complete an application form for each child. These forms will be available either on the day or can be downloaded from our club website. For the safety of your child it is important that the club is informed of any medical condition or allergies that may be relevant should your child fall ill or be involved in an accident at the club. Our Junior Membership Annual Subscription/Registration Fee is £20 and this should be paid at the beginning of the season.
We welcome parents/carers and guardians to all training and competitions and value your support. Arrangements should be made for your child to travel to and from training sessions and matches. We would appreciate it if children can arrive promptly and are collected promptly at the end of the session, if they are not making their own way home. If you are going to be late picking your child up, please either ensure that you advise one of the training team or telephone the Club on the main number 01206 271969.
We firmly believe that cricket should be played with dignity and within the spirit of the long standing traditions of the game. To this end we ask all those associated with the Club to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. The Club has produced a series of acceptable codes of conduct which clearly set out our standards in this regard.
Please take the opportunity to read and discuss with your child the Code of Conduct/Set of Rules for Young People. We also wish to draw your attention to the Code of Conduct for Members and Guests which the Club has adopted and rigorously applies. Both of these documents can be found on our website and within the club handbook.
Each season we shall be entering teams into the North Essex Cricket Junior League at various age groups. Additionally our Kwik cricketers will be entered into all the tournaments run in North Essex. Full details of fixtures and tournaments can be found on the website. Please note that a match fee of £3 will be payable for Colts hard ball cricket matches.